we cannot waste time searching for additional personnel . 我々にはこれ以上人材探しをしている時間はない
in reality , additional personnel definitely attended the meetings , this would have included: okubo and yamaoka from the tokugawa family side , and shinpachi murata and toshiaki kirino from the ' expeditionary force to the east ' side . しかし、実際には徳川家側から大久保や山岡、東征軍側から村田新八・桐野利秋らも同席していたと思われる。
in reality , additional personnel definitely attended the meetings , this would have included: okubo and yamaoka from the tokugawa family side , and shinpachi murata and toshiaki kirino from the ' expeditionary force to the east ' side . しかし、実際には徳川家側から大久保や山岡、東征軍側から村田新八・桐野利秋らも同席していたと思われる。
under the reign of yoshinaka over the capital , the agency of the great buddha construction was reinforced with additional personnel (ariyori ozuki [小槻有頼 ] in the second-highest ranking post , kunimichi oe in the third-highest ranking post , and sukehiro nakahara in the forth-highest ranking post as mentioned before ) on february 22 , 1184 , and subsequently , they have to request cooperation from the eastern provinces and oshu for gold plating . 義仲が都に君臨するなか、12月22日には造大仏司は人員を増強され(前述の次官小槻有頼、判官大江国通、主典仲原資広)、つぎに鍍金のために東国や奥州の協力を仰ぐこととなった。